Looking for Andres Caligiuri birthday place

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Looking for Andres Caligiuri birthday place

Messaggioda andresdn » lun 18 ago 2008 02:45

Hi everybody, mi name is Andres, I need to know were my grand grand father was born. I only have a piece of paper where it says that he lived in a place called Triccoli or Triccodi or somewhere like that, but I have google both place but nothing exist with this name. His name was Andres Caligiuri, I know he is from Cantanzaro and then trip with Cayetana Pepelisa, his wife, to Argentina. If someone knows where can I get the birth certificate or where I have to call to get one, please let me know. my mail is andresgdn@yahoo.com.ar
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Iscritto il: lun 18 ago 2008 02:36

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